Monday, October 21, 2013

Photos have been requested

Because some of you are asking, ;) here are a few photos of the first two full days home.
First thing Sunday morning was Krassi's introduction to the whole family (and your introduction to what my hair looks like in the morning if I go to bed with it wet! Bathing after the 24 hours of travel was critical. Waiting for the hair to dry before hitting the pillow was not!)

I doubt Krassi's used to having 2 year olds doing gymnastics next to him on a regular basis!

"Krassi, this is your Baba Glewwe!" At the word "baba" he lit up and was thoroughly delighted in Grandma's presence for the rest of the time until supper. How neat that Grandma will be moving in with us as soon as we get her space finished!
And Krassi continues to eat like a champ, and today had two dirty diapers (yay!!!), so I think we're past the worst of the initial constipation. Now it's just maintenance. ;)


  1. your Baba Glewwe!

    Oh, that's wonderful! It's neat how universal grandmothers are. Gwen has been soothed by grandmothers all over the world when she's having an anxious time traveling -- most especially by a couple of Bulgarian babas who entertained for _an hour_ on the train back to Sofya, long past her bed time.

  2. Thank you, Andrea! These photos are beautiful in every way and bring tears to my eyes!
