Friday, June 28, 2013

Foundation framing is done

Bright and early this morning our framer got here and worked until they had the entire foundation wall framed and sheathed. Yay! There is one more interior wall that needs to be framed up on the basement level before they can start moving up, but supposedly the joists for the basement ceiling/main level floor are showing up on Monday and they will begin capping the lower level. The weather looks like it should be cooperative...

Our little Leah is amazing. Waterproofing is a two (or even three) person job, which means Matt can't do it alone. I also can't help him when kids are napping because someone has to monitor Reuben for seizures and can't help him with kids are awake because someone has to watch the little kids. Enter Leah. Today she agreed to watch Reu's monitor and call out the window to us if there was anything we needed to know. That gained us work time during their nap. When Reu and Rin woke up, Leah played with them for the rest of the afternoon, either pushing them on the swings, or, when she/they were done with that, we brought them all into the basement with the chalk basket and they played with that and dropped stones into the sump baskets while we got another strong hour of work in.

Matt's wondering what the framer...and the inspector! will think of our fancy walls. ;)

Of the thirteen wall segments that need waterproofing, we have the five easiest ones done and a sixth almost done. But then the rain came enough that our sticky stuff won't stick, so we quit for the day. But tomorrow afternoon looks like good weather, assuming we can find someone to watch the kids!

1 comment:

  1. I've been to talks at the Medieval Congress in Leeds where they've uncovered graffiti left between walls done by the original architects and/or builders. Too bad chalk is so ephemeral, or maybe someday centuries in the future people would be giving talks on the chalk drawings in the interstices of your foundation!
