Sunday, June 30, 2013

The basement is turning pink!

As Matt and I work our way around the foundation with the waterproofing, he follows along afterward putting up 1" rigid (pink!) insulation which both insulates (!) and protects the waterproofing membrane from sun damage now and other damage later. The membrane can be exposed for up to 14 days, but we're trying to get it covered as soon as possible to keep as much of its integrity as we can.

As of the end of the day Saturday, Matt and I have now completed almost 8 of the 13 wall segments. After the younger kids were in bed, Matt went back out with Owen to put up the pink rigid insulation. They worked until it was too dark to work any more, which is pretty late since its just a week past the summer solstice!

As we finished up our work, Matt commented about potentially being ready to put shingles on the roof about a month from now! Understanding that there are many variables, most of which are out of our control, that was still an exciting thought. This whole thing has moved so very very slow that it's hard to imagine ever reaching a milestone like that! Much less within a month!

Now, of course, that means we're hoping to find friends who are comfortable working on a 10:12 pitch!

This whole project has been, so far, a cycle between amazement that it's actually working so far - real work is getting done! - and incredulity that we can ever get this done. How good to have such a visible daily reminder to continue to place our life before God, with my repeated prayer, "God, we're doing this because we believe you have directed us to do this, so this is your deal, so we're not going to worry because we're counting on you to make it work because it is yours." Every day.

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