Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hurry up and wait

After the big day yesterday, today nothing happened.

Well, Matt's on his way home from Menards right now where he's just spent a few more thousand dollars on building supplies that he needs at the beginning of the project (taking advantage of an 11% rebate offer they have right now), but nothing actually happened as far as what I see when I look out the window.

This is because once again God is showing us that he is in control of fine-tuning the timing of when all of these pieces come together, even down to when other people are (or aren't) having surgery. You see, after our contractor's incredible day of work yesterday, we now have footing formwork that needs to be inspected before they can pour the concrete into them. And our city's one inspector had surgery this morning. So he wasn't out here in the rain to look at concrete form work! And we really have no idea what kind of surgery this is, or how long he will be out, or what our options really are at this point. So we waited.

It is good to trust that God is big enough to do things exactly when he wants to because otherwise there would be plenty for us to worry about. ;)

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