Friday, June 14, 2013

Odds and ends at the end of the week

Weather is a funny thing. We've now been moving on the building project for two weeks and have had crews here on two days. At this rate we may be done before Owen graduates from high school. ;) BUT the forecast looks good for the next three weeks, and if that's the case, our framer can get a LOT done. We're supposedly the next in his line - depending on weather (!) he's going to come over around noon tomorrow to chalk things out to be ready to go when lumber and his crew shows up Monday morning.  All I can think is that "even the wind and the waves obey Him." If I didn't believe that there would be plenty of room to be anxious!

But in the meantime, all sorts of little things have been happening. Today Matt and Chad dug out where the heavy rains had caused the northeast side of the hole to collapse in, and when Chad returned for Friday night Bible study, he had a large tarp with him that he and Matt and another guy from our group used to cover the muckiest part of the excavation to hopefully divert enough water that it doesn't cave down more if we get rain tonight or tomorrow. (It was pretty dark when I went out there, so even with some Photoshop, the photo still leaves a little to be desired!)

My mom is in town for a variety of reasons. Primarily a wedding, but also Rinnah's birthday party tomorrow, and since she was coming, she came a few days early to work on finishing interior doors! for the addition (two done and two more in process out of seven total), AND, she brought up the bunk bed that we found on craigslist near them. So last night we got that set up, and tonight Owen is sleeping in it for the first time.

Then, to top it off, a good friend of ours was having a moving sale and invited us to stop by some time just to hang around and have the kids play, and the time that ended up working out best was towards the end of their last day right before they put up an "everything is free" sign! They only have girls, but their neighbor across the street has a boy Owen's size, and there were many many items of boys' clothing that I could just HAVE! I've known all the way along that we would need more clothes for K since he and Reuben are going to be in roughly the same size clothes (4T), at least to start out, and boys' clothing that's handed down, especially pants, tends to be pretty worn at these ages! So what I have left from Owen is almost enough to clothe Reuben with a few items added in, but certainly not enough for two little boys! I've been resisting the temptation to just pick out a few cute things as I see them at Target, deciding instead to wait and see what God would provide, and today we hit the jackpot! There was even a winter coat in the size I anticipate K will be needing this fall. All I need now is shoes for K. Not sure what will be best for that with his contorted little feet. I don't know that they make the soft little Bobux type crib shoe for feet K's size... But I'm guessing that's another thing I don't need to worry about.

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